Site icon the TV addict

My First Post

Well it finally happened! I finally got my act together and finished creating (and posting) a blog about one of my obsessions, TV (other obsessions include my dog MAC, and Apple products (hence my dog’s name).

So what is all about? Really it’s just me commenting on TV, what I’ve watched, what I’m excited for, and perhaps some late breaking news. I pretty much search the web daily for TV news (my favourite sources being eonline’s Kristin and tvguide’s michael ausiello). So let’s get started….

I have a confession. Last night, I generally watch Gilmore Girls and Scrubs. But last night I didn’t watch either. Yes I know, it’s a bit suprising, considering I’m a self-proclaimed TV ADDICT, but in truth I have a good reason. I was actually watching Season 1 DVD’s of Battlestar Galactica! I’ve been sucked in my the critical praise and amazing reviews of this show. So I’ve been playing catch up. I’m almost done season 1 and I’m pretty much so excited to get to season 2, I hear it’s incredible.

Don’t worry though, I’ve TIVO’d both shows and will be catching up tonight. Stay tuned for my thoughts.

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