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I honestly could spend the next several paragraphs tearing apart the ridiculousness of tonight’s ‘life-changing’ ONE TREE HILL, and believe me, I will. But first let me say this: TV is an incredibly powerful medium, and while tonight’s episode of OTH (also known as the ‘One Tree Breakfast Club meets Aaron Sorkin’s preachy 9/11 West Wing special episode) was incredibly cheesy, it had an important message. Bullying is unacceptable. It’s a huge problem in our High Schools, and if tonight’s episode helped change anyone’s outlook towards bullying – then it was worth me sitting through it. Now on to what everyone is waiting for, my point by point analysis of OTH:

1) So lame of OTH’s writers to introduce us to a character an episode ago. Are we really supposed to feel attached to the shooter when we’ve known him for an episode?

2) Are Nathan and Lucas the stupidest kids in the world? Who runs back into a school when it’s on lock-down.

3) How is ‘Mayor Dan Scott’ in charge of everything in the town? What exactly does he know about dealing with school shootings?

4) Is mean random student (the guy in the lockdown who’s name I don’t remember, but he’s not Mouth or Nathan?) the dumbest guy in the world? Why on earth would you antagonize a guy who has you at gunpoint?

5) Brooke Davis is actually a really cool character. I can honestly say I enjoy how she’s grown throughout the series. She Rocks!

6) I LOVED the serious OTH logo at the beginning of the episode, no theme song or anything, just a warning about parental discretion advised… to underline the seriousness of the episode. Yet every other episode which is filled with random sex, drugs and a total lack of parental supervision is completely okay!

7) Why does the only black student in One Tree Hill have to say ‘Dawg’ everytime he opens his mouth?

8) How is it that a random untrained Tree Hill denizen (fast becoming my favourite word!) such as Keith Scott gets to go into the school to talk down the shooter? Which of course leads me to the final scene!!!

9) Okay, now for a few positives! I was quite impressed with the acting on the show. Great job all around, although I don’t believe Lucas Scott actually reads!

10) WOW, I’ll give the OTH writers props on this, I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. Kudos on a killer (no pun intended) ending!

11) Sadly, I’ll be back next week to see what happens! The simple truth is that I’m a whore to the WB!

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