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theTVaddict’s adventures in 90210

Before I announce my BIG news, let me first say that I thought Jon Stewart did a fantastic job as Oscar Host. He was funny, poignant and original. My favourite bits were his ‘Brokeback’ opening, his fake Oscar Campaign ads, and his subtle mockery of the hollywood big-wigs (in a room filled with them!). Sure he started off slow, but he slowly gained confidence and was great at mocking the show as it went on, “Can’t wait for a montage honouring montages!)”

So onto my BIG adventure. Right now I’m writing this from the TV capitol of the world: LOS ANGELES! I’m here all week doing secret TV reconnaissance! What am I up to… well to wet your appetite, I’m going to be at tapings of two hit TV shows, as well as the Family Guy Paley Festival Event. Check back all week for some really great updates!

Just a note, check back this evening for PODCAST #5. Also, now I know how annoying it must be to read TV forums and live on the West Coast. Everyone is sitting down and watching 24, while I have to wait for 3 more hours! What’s the deal with that!?!?

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