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An hour of my life I’ll never get back

Yet another Thursday evening spent asking myself, “Why do I subject myself to yet another episode of SMALLVILLE?” This week’s ‘kryptofreak-of-the-week’ was a young girl who could break glass with her mind. As per usual, the main storyline was completely pointless, juvenile and written so that a 10 year old could predict the story. Case in point: Clark learns that he doesn’t have to follow in his father’s footsteps through the eyes of a troubled girl. Simply Brilliant! Not at all an obvious plot with zero suspense. Some observations:

1) How dumb is Martha Kent? Making Lois her Chief of Staff? Is it just me, or should she possibly hire a political operative instead of a barista.

2) Holy product placement Batman! (umm, I mean Superman!). AOL maps, AOL email, AOL commercials. Forget Subtlety, why not turn Superman’s ‘S’ into a giant AOL.

3) Does Clark only own one outfit? We get it, he’s actually Superman, but he must have another change of clothes. Does he always have to wear red and blue?

4) Does Allison Mack (Chloe) ever get annoyed that she is Clark’s personal lapdog, when her TV look-a-like Kristen Bell has her own awesome show (Veronica Mars).

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