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Monday Musings

DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES still makes me laugh. Forget the tabloid headlines, the ridiculous overexposure and all the behind the scenes antics – the show is funny. Any show that has the guts to allow Mrs. McCluskey (the awesome Kathryn Joosten) spout lines like, “Parker offered me a Fudgsicle if I showed him my vagina” deserves to be watched. (Personal Rule, Woman (and Men for that matter) over a certain age should not be allowed to say the ‘V’ word on TV). Aside from Parker’s antics, which were priceless, I also loved watching Mrs. Tilman’s (Harriet Sansom Harris) futile attemptes to kill Paul. Having her look over and say, “Something Smells Good Over There,” as Paul almost burns his face off with lighter fluid while starting the BBQ was great.

Following DH was the premiere of WHAT ABOUT BRIAN. While I didn’t love the first episode, I enjoyed it enough to give it a second try tonight at 10pm (ABC, 8pm on CTV). Barry Watson surprises us with the fact he is charming and can actually act (having escaped from the painfully weak writing and acting on 7th HEAVEN). Sarah Lancaster shines as Madison, ummmm I mean Marjorie. I have loved Sarah since EVERWOOD and am really rooting for her to do well.

Speaking of which, be sure to watch EVERWOOD tonight, it’s on at 9pm on the WB. It is hands down the best show on TV.

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