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A Valentine to Sydney?

As one of ALIAS’ biggest fans, let me be the first to say that I’m not one to kick a horse when it’s down. But with only four episodes left, shouldn’t each one have been jaw-dropping-on-the-floor incredible? Last night’s 100th episode has been hyped for months as a ‘Valentine to Sydney’, the return of Will!, as well as season one nemisis Anna Espino. Needless to say I was psyched.

Unfortunately I was not impressed with ALIAS’ 100th. A bomb in Will Tippen’s brain, We knew there was no chance he was going to die. Anna Espinosa returning, what was the point? She is no ‘Evil Francie’. And I’m generally not one of ‘those people’, but I truly saw the final scene coming A MILE AWAY. It was so obvious, and not at all suprisingly. Let’s hope ALIAS’ final four (or is it three) episodes truly blow me away.

One honourable mention goes to Rachel asking “Who’s Rambaldi?” at the APO meeting. A great line, as the Rambaldi mystery, once an integral aspect of the ALIAS mythology, became way too complex, and was slowly phased out of season 3 and 4.

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