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REBA: Worst Finale Ever

I realize REBA isn’t a ‘Friends-sized’ hit, but it makes me laugh, and what else can you ask from a comedy? Last night, the WB/CW/UPN showed us how little it respected the little comedy that could. After five seasons, Reba signed off with possibly the worst series finale ever. In fact I won’t even classify last nights episode as a series finale. In reality, it was the season finale, that ended with a cheesy clip segment of funny Reba moments. The Powers That Be didn’t even have enough class to give Reba fans a proper ending. The writers didn’t even have the opportunity to include two of Reba’s kids (Jake and Kyra), how ridiculous is that? Let’s hope this awful lack of respect for a TV show that lasted five years (hardly an easy thing to do in this day and age) is not a sign of things to come from the illustrious CW network.

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