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My Saturday Morning Routine

If you’ve been reading my blog for a few months now. I think it’s time to let you guys (and gals) in on a little secret. I have a Saturday Morning Routine. It’s a little embarassing, but seriously, who reads this? (Deep Breath) Here it goes…

7:30am: Walk my amazing DOG MAC

9am – GILMORE GIRLS rerun on the ‘W network’. It’s nice to remember that the denizens of Stars Hollow used to actually have fun, laugh, enjoy a festival under the stars once in a while. It’s nice to see our Girls actually enjoying life, instead of being spending the season being depressed and sullen all the time.

10am – Watch FELICITY from the begining. I have to admit, I didn’t watch FELICITY while it was on the WB. The first bit of season one just turned me off. I found Felicity herself really annoying. I mean come on, leaving your med school life for a boy in New York! But being a JJ Abrams addict, I decided to give the series another try. So far I’ve gotten to see the first two seasons. I love Amanda Foreman and Greg Grunberg – it really makes me appreciate ALIAS on another level. I also have really enjoyed seeing some of my favourite TV characters – Lane, Turk, Sydney, Marsall, John Ritter and more! Felicity has some great stories and some fun characters. I think my favourite was the sit-in at the University Clinic. I can’t wait to finally discover who Felicity ends up with – Ben or Noel. My money is on Ben!

11am – BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE: The ABC Family sudser (or quasi Gilmore/OC/Dawsons rip off) is perhaps the cheesiest, yet oddly addicting show on TV. Jo from MELROSE PLACE moves her two daughters (take that Rory and Lorelai) to the BIG APPLE (really Toronto! yeah Canada). The girls struggle to fit into a different world filled with rich spoiled white kids. The show is so funny in it’s plot lines and overtly protentious teenage names (Gideon, Nicholas Fisk, Annabelle etc, honestly what ever happened to ‘Rebecca’ or ‘Jonathan’). The most ridiculous part of the show has to be the oldest daughter Karen. She has a dream to become a model, and her clueless mom is actually supporting her. Whenever she talks about modelling as a ‘career’ I can’t help but laugh. Her only career will be selling me iced mocha’s at Starbucks.

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