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Save Marissa Cooper!

This is too good a link to pass up. Apparently, there is quite a large faction of OC fans (umm there are still OC fans out there?) who want to see MARISSA COOPER SAVED! No this isn’t a joke, there’s even a web site up called Save Marissa. The site is pretty intense. For instance, on the front page, a quote reads

Dear Josh, You just committed a double homicide, First you killed my character, Then you killed your show.

Who knew Marissa had such a loyal fanbase? I guess there are a lot of really skinny alcoholic teens out there! Personally I enjoyed Marissa the past few seasons, and she definitely grew more interesting, and improved her acting skills. I think the problem with ‘Coop’ was that the writers didn’t know what to do with her. How many more times can Marissa end up dating the ‘Wrong Guy’ or collapsing due to alcohol? The latest rumour floating around the net is that Marissa will be in a coma for six episodes until Misha Barton finishes off filming a movie. I’ll keep you all posted if I hear anything on the Save Marissa front. No doubt there are a ton of concerned Marissa fans out there!

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