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My DVD Marathon!

Last night a friend and I (Lauren to be more specific – podcast listeners may remember hearing ‘Thors’ or ‘Shakira’ as she is often referred to) decided to have a TV on DVD marathon. Not wanting to just throw on a single series, we decided to mix-it-up a bit and go ‘crazy’. After countless minutes of intense debate, we decided to watch Series Premiere episodes only. (Crazyness I know!)

We started off with the GREY’S ANATOMY pilot. With the show being only 2 seasons old, seeing the first episode wasn’t so surprising. It’s evident from the start that creator Shonda Rhimes had a unique and very clear vision of how her show should look. It was nice to see all of our favourite Seattle Grace interns so wide-eyed and naive, having no idea how complex their lives would quickly become!

Second on our list of pilots was the VERONICA MARS series premiere. Having never watched VERONICA MARS, I was really excited to see how Lauren would react to the show. Not suprisingly she loved it so much that we broke our own rules and watched episode 2 as well!

Having re-watched the pilot for the first time in almost two years, I was surprised at how different/yet similar the show is. Firstly, the show was a lot darker in tone. It was filmed in a much grittier fashion and Veronica definitely had more of an edge. I was also impressed with how many plot points were weaved into the opening episode. So much was hinted at, things that of course I only picked up having gone through season 1 and 2 already! The question of Veronica’s real dad, her ‘relationship’ with Duncan, Weevil & Felix, the inroduction of Sheriff Lamb, Cliff and the future principle, and of course the Lilly Kane murder. Kudos to Lauren for predicting a lot of the future plots right away (she’s smart that way!)

The only funny thing about the episode was that Veronica and Keth seemed so sure that Jake Kane was behind Lilly’s murder. I won’t spoil it here, but everyone who’s watched the series knows what I’m talking about!

Our evening ended off with the series premiere of EVERWOOD. TV’s best drama started off as great as it’s ending. From the opening credits to the end of the episode it was clear how much creator Greg Berlanti put into creating some of the most well written and complex characters on TV. Everything was there from day one: Andy’s tenuous relationship with Ephram, Ephram’s and Amy’s love for eachother (fate), the humour and caring of Dr. Abott, Nina (with original Sam!), Irv, Edna and so much more.

Following the premiere, Lauren and I re-watched Monday’s episode. It’s amazing to see how much our beloved denizens of EVERWOOD have evolved. Andy and Ephram have loving conversations, and actually communicate. Amy and Ephram are definitely on the right track (I’m a huge shipper), and Bright has grown from the obnoxious teenage bully he started out as. I know I sound like a broken record, but I can’t believe tomorrow is the final two episodes of EVERWOOD.

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