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Battlestar Galactica Season 3 Spoilers

Having just finished viewing the first five episodes of season three, I thought I’d offer up a few bits of scoop to get you [even more] excited for the two-hour premiere of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA on October 3. Rest assured, I’m not spoiling anything major, just offering up some tiny morsels of information to tease (and/or frustrate) you.

At least one character from the first webisode will not survive the (two-hour) season premiere of BSG.

There will be a major character death in episode three, and the Cylons will not be the one to kill her (or him).

Apollo is FAT and incredibly out of shape! You’ll have the pleasure (or displeasure) of seeing him topless. Trust me, not a pretty sight.

Numerous characters have married during their year on New Caprica, and by the end of episode five, there will be one major seperation.

Amanda Plummer guest stars in the season’s first hour long installment (following the two-hour premiere) entitled ‘EXODUS, PART 1’. Carl Kumbly (ALIAS) guest stars in the November 17 installment entitled ‘HERO’, written by David Eick.

Check back next week for some more thoughts on season three including a review of the first two episodes.

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