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SURVIVOR: Race challenge a bore

Did last night’s season premiere of SURVIVOR: RACE CHALLENGE, sorry COOK ISLANDS live up to the massive media hype? Were viewers really offended by the controversial new format (tribes divided by racial lines). Did it really have an effect on ‘the game’. Does anyone still care? Honestly, it’s too soon to tell, but here’s a tribe-by-tribe breakdown of what went down.

The Asian Tribe
The older ‘slightly off his rocker’ Cai Boi was definitely the highlight of the episode. From his early stereotypical Asian jokes – “we’re short and like rice” to his homegrown medical treatment for Brad’s headache, every-time Cai Boi was on screen, I paid attention.

The White Tribe
Flicka you annoy me already. Firstly, your ‘friends’ call you Flicka? Seriously? How old are you, five? Grow up and get a real name. Aside from letting your one chicken free, your name alone deserved you a trip off the island. Also, last night’s premiere helped viewers answer that age old question, How many white folks does it take to catch a chicken? Apparently more then five.

The Latino Tribe
Latino tribe member Billy had the best line of the night as he spoke while paddling towards the island. “I don’t know about you, but I feel this is ass backward, like our parents got on a raft — at least my parents did — and paddled away from an island just so I could have a good life, and here I am paddling back to an island.”

The African American Tribe
Not much to say here except they’re now one member short, and thanks to all of Sekou’s continuous whining during the episode, I’m not that surprised. Congratulations Sekou, your legacy is set in stone. The first one kicked off SURVIVOR: COOK ISLANDS.

When all is said and done, the show was essentially another run-of-the-mill episode of SURVIVOR. I watched the beginning, fast forwarded through the challenge and finished off with tribal council. Watching the episode really just reinforced the fact that not much has changed since I stopped watching SURVIVOR after season 3.

The ‘race card’ was a brilliant yet desperate attempt for ratings and media hype. Congratulations Mark [Burnett, Survivor Creator], it worked. You got me — I tuned it (and wrote abou it!). But if you’d like me to continue watching the show, you’ll have to give me a little more entertainment. After 13 seasons of SURVIVOR, I don’t blame you, Where else could you go? The ‘race card’ was an obvious choice. But do me a favour and call me when you pull out your last remaining card – I’ll be sure to tune in for SURVIVOR: THE RELIGIOUS CHALLENGE (Christians, Muslims, Jews and Scientologists)

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