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Televisions ‘Bad Boy’ Syndrome

Part of my Saturday morning tradition is watching FELICITY reruns on Canada’s W NETWORK (10AM EST). For over a year (four seasons in TV land), I’ve watched Felicity struggle with a new city, family, school and of course her personal life. Yet as we head into the fourth (and final) season, Felicity is still completely clueless as she struggles with the eternal question: Ben or Noel?

Now maybe it’s because I’m not a fifteen year old girl (even though my television viewing habits might make one believe otherwise!), but can someone please explain to me the appeal of the ‘TV Bad Boy’. How is Felicity, after four years, still debating between Ben or Noel? I don’t get it, what’s to debate? Noel is a smart, hard-working and clearly in love with Felicity — while Ben is a habitual screw-up, who’s constantly dealing with personal issues and never seems to be there for Felicity when she needs him.

Of course in Felicity’s defense, she’s not the only television heroine who happens to have a weakness for the ‘TV bad boy’. It just so happens that Neptune’s smartest sleuth, VERONICA MARS, isn’t so smart when it comes to her own love life. For some inexplicable reason, Veronica is still in love with one Logan Echolls — a trust fund baby with some serious anger-management issues. Hopefully when Veronica starts college, she’ll smarten up and find someone better suited for her. I wouldn’t count on it though — after four years of college, Felicity still can’t make a decision!

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