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I’m officially hooked on JERICHO, and to be honest, I blame LOST, and what I’ve ‘cleverly’ dubbed The LOST Effect™. Within two episodes, JERICHO has set up an intriguing premise, following the blueprint successfully set-up by JJ Abrams, Damon Lindeloff and Carlton Cuse (the creators of LOST).

Executive Producer John Turteltaub has unified and isolated an entire town thanks to a mysterious disaster (is it a nuclear attack?). The denizens of Jericho all coincidentally happen to have very interesting (and secretive) backstories. And like all good serialized dramas, not everybody is who he or she seems to be.

While last night’s episode revolved around the town evacuating into fall-out shelters, I’m far more curious in Robert Hawkins (Lennie James), and his true identity and motives. He definitely has his own agenda, and seems to actually know what has happened across America. It’s clearly no coincidence that he recently moved his family to Jericho. My theory so far: Major cities across America have been destroyed, while small towns have remained untouched. Each town has its own ‘Lennie James’, communicating through morse code. Why? I have no idea, but I’ll definitely be sticking around to find out.

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