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Live Blogging LOST

Just finished watching JERICHO – fantastic episode. But now it’s time for the original mystery drama, here it goes… previously on LOST…

9:05PM Okay, best opening ever…. LOST ROCKS! A song playing at the beginning of the premiere, where have we seen this before, oh right, last season. Of course a CD player, more modern. Henry Gale! Ethan! Goodwin! The best of the Others! A neighbourhood on the Island? How big is this island? Are we even sure it is an island? Henry Gale is clearly the leader of The Others! The actor who plays him must be pretty surprised, this small guest spot turned into this huge role! Can I just mention how much I detest the GAP campaign with Audrey Hepburn…. We’re back… looks like a JACK Flashback.

9:15PM An interesting opening, Jack, Kate and Sawyer are all isolated in seperate ‘traps’. Jack’s in a cell of some sorts, Kate is in a locker room and Sawyer is in a cage. Like most episodes of LOST, I’m well lost and have no idea what’s going on. Each of our three heroes have a bandaid over their arm, blood was definitely taken from them – or something was injected into them (nanobots anyone?). Back to the show, JACK’S GETTING A DIVORCE…

9:24PM “Kate, the next two week’s are going to be very unpleasant…” says Henry Gale… holy FraK! How Creepy is Henry Gale. Please can we have some answers. What is going on here? More importantly, who is the man that Jack’s ex-wife had an affair with. No doubt the final scene of the episode will be the shocker.. it was.. Henry Gale!… Locke!… actually rumour has it that it was Jack’s father….

9:35PM Jack’s Dad has a thing for younger woman…. Sara, Ana Lucia…. Okay, I’ve discovered the truth… Sawyer’s in JURASSIC PARK! Is it just me, or are there an inordinant amount of commercials. I hope that ‘kid’ isn’t a plant… that is just way too obvious, could Sawyer be that dumb.. possibly.

9:46PM Jack’s a little crazy no? He opened the door? Are they underwater? Remember that shark from season one…. I hope we get some answers this episode, of course with 10 minutes left, I’m doubtful. Once again, I’ll be maddenly frustrated all season long! A lot of commercials about THE NINE…. I’ve seen the pilot, it’s definitely worth sticking around for. Finally, back to the show…

9:55PM How smart am I? They are underwater… a new hatch… the ‘hydra’

10:01PM Okay as the camera panned out on Jack, I definitely noticed a double… someone was definitely looking through a glass window, observing. Henry’s real name is Ben, and Juliette…. what is going on? Sadly, another episode with no answers….. damn. But I’m a sucker, it’s too late, I’ll be back next week. Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel.

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