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Jericho, The Nine, Lost & Kidnapped

The most surprising thing about last night’s television watching was that between LOST, THE NINE, JERICHO, and KIDNAPPED I think I enjoyed JERICHO the most. There is just something so fascinating about the town of Jericho, its secrets and the mystery that’s unfolding before are eyes. A few quick notes about last nights TV.

JERICHO: Robert Hawkins clearly knows what’s going on. Why did he come ‘prepared’ with a Radiation Suit and what on earth is he sealing up in his basement. Also, how much did I love Gerald McCraney’s (the mayor) unexpected punch to the gut of his mayoral opponent (this is definitely a time for sticking together, not political maneuvering). Finally, the airplanes. How unsettling was that? There are clearly survivors outside of Jericho – and if next week’s preview is any indication, welcome and unwelcome visitors will soon be floating into the small town of Jericho.

KIDNAPPED: I have to be honest, I fell asleep with 15 minutes to go, so I don’t know how the episode ended, but if it’s any consolation, I LOVED the first 45 minutes. It’s disappointing that viewers haven’t given KIDNAPPED a chance. If the show is cancelled, it’s nice to know that the writers have a contingency plan to end the series properly after 13 episodes (yup, still bitter about how REUNION ended).

THE NINE: Fantastic premiere right? What on earth happened during those 52 hours in the bank? (Yes I realize I sound like a commercial for ABC – but in my defense, they did air quite a lot of them!). Needless to say, I’ll be tuning into to episode 2, 3, and 4 with the hopes of some answers.

LOST: And speaking of answers, LOST finally returned, and yet again raised more questions then answers. How do The Others know so much about Jack, Kate, and Sawyer? Why exactly will Kate’s next two weeks be ‘hell’? and most importantly, how long until Jack hooks up with Juliette? Okay, that last point, not so important, but once again, LOST confounds, confuses and frustrates (that would have been way cooler if I had another word that starts with a ‘c’). That said, I can’t wait for next week.

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