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Random TV Tidbits: Wednesday TV

Three weeks into the new season and I’m still hopelessly hooked on LOST. Mind you, I’m not ‘hooked’ in the sense that I’m enjoying the show. Rather I’m just desperate for answers, and will continue to watch until we’re given some.

I love watching Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin on TV. If only 30 ROCK were actually funny. Hopefully a future episode will make proper use of these two comedic talents.

How embarassing must the whole ‘re-casting’ situation be for Rachel Dratch? Watching 30 ROCK, it’s more apparent then ever that NBC just didn’t consider Rachel ‘leading-lady’ material, and we all know what that means. Perhaps shallow NBC execs should take an hour and watch an episode of UGLY BETTY to learn a little bit about ‘inner beauty.’ For years, Rachel was the only reason to turn on SNL, now on 30 ROCK she’s been relegated to a glorified extra.

John Lithgow still makes me laugh, TWENTY GOOD YEARS not so much.

Does anyone else think that JERICHO’s initial charm is wearing out fast?

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