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Live Blogging LOST (Episode 5, Season 3)

9:00PM: DANCING WITH THE STARS is ending… thank God… Previously on LOST… Mr. Eko Flashback. Interesting. Mr. Eko, he’s alive!!! (for now!) Another dream? Is Eko in the sauna? Didn’t Locke have a dream two weeks ago…. Actually, I think Eko’s dead… this probably isn’t a dream. I probably should spend more time watching and less time blogging, because I have not idea what happened in that opening sequence!

9:05PM: Commercial for the new BOND movie, how cool is Bond and how great does this movie look?

9:09PM: Does Benry have the tumor or is it someone elses? What’s the deal with the freaky white clothing. Who knew The Others had such a wardrobe at their disposal.

9:12PM: Guess the tumor is Benry Gales. What a not so shocking coincidence that Jack is a Spinal Surgeon.

9:16PM: Commercial Phew! Seriously I have no idea what’s going on with Eko in this episode. Someone please explain.

9:20PM: Locke invites our new Losties on an expedition. So random and funny… now we have these two new characters who are suddently included.

9:26PM: Halfway through the episode, damn those ABC promos fooled me again… they actually make every episode of LOST look amazing. If only the show was as good as the tease!

9:36PM: The Jack Benry confrontation was interesting. No doubt this is all still part of Benry’s plan. Wouldn’t it be nice if Jack (and the audience) got some answers to what the Frak is going on – in exchange for Jack doing surgery on Benry. Certainly would be nice for the audience.

9:43PM: Okay, Mr. Eko kicking some serious butt. That was awesome. New Losties are so funny. I love how the hot chick is now just stating the obvious. If only we met her three seasons ago – no doubt the Losties would be off the island!

9:47PM: That was cool. But not surprising. Who does Jack trust.. Benry or Juliette. Frankly I’ve watched enough Melrose Place to know not to trust good looking blonde woman. I sort of think that Juliette is actually the evil mastermind and Benry Gale is the good guy. But really, what do I know?!?

9:51PM: Will anyone be watching Taye Diggs DAY BREAK? I feel like ABC’s been promoing it for months now!

9:54PM: Now we see why Eko starting building a Church…. and guess what…. I don’t care. Does anyone else think the flashbacks this season have been the complete downfall of the show? I’ll say one thing for LOSt, the scenery is incredible. Especially on an HD TV

9:58PM: Some serious Monster Action. Wouldn’t it be nice to actually learn what the Monster is? Maybe season 7 perhaps. LOST is by far the most frustrating show ever. I have to say, I’m completely indifferent to Eko dying. Again, the preview for next week makes the show look awesome. Of course, much like tonight’s episode – only two minutes were really good. Someone should just edit the best moments of every episode and put it on youtube. We can catch the whole season of great moments in about 24 minutes. Thanks for joining the Live Blog Sam, Tim and Vance. Catch you next week for the big Fall Season Finale (It Better Be Good!)

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