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Jericho: The World Ends Early?

Taking a page from the LOST playbook, CBS has decided to split JERICHO into two distinct seasons. The hit freshman drama will end its ‘Fall Season’ with a cliffhanger finale on November 29, 2006 returning in February with all new episodes for the remainder of the season. In case you’re wondering, THE KING OF QUEENS will be returning with original episodes to take JERICHO’S place in December/January.

During the shows 10-week intermission, CBS will create an online destination for JERICHO with the hopes of sustaining audience momentum. The site will include original content, interactive elements, recaps and sneak previews.

Truth be told, episodes of JERICHO have been taking up space on my PVR since October. Nothing against the show, but there are only so many hours of mythology heavy serialized drama that I can invest in each week. This break will give me a nice opportunity to catch up, and more importantly give me a little breathing room on my PVR for those ‘classic’ episodes of 90210 that MUST be recorded. Sadly, in the TV Addict’s household, it often feels like Sophie’s Choice as I debate what I have to delete in order to make room on my PVR.

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