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HEROES: I’m Hooked

Am I the only television fan who groans whenever a show uses the dream or vision device as a plot element? To me it’s generally a sign of a last resort, with the writers essentially admitting that they couldn’t come up with a better idea to move the story along. We get it, Mohinder has to come to the realization that his father’s research was genuine. Obviously his death wasn’t an accident. Mohinder, you’re a smart professor for peet-sake. Figure it out.

That said, for the first time, I found myself really enjoying Hiro’s story-line. His Japanese lesson with the adorable (super-genius) waitress was tons of fun. And her death, while not unexpected, was definitely a lot quicker than I thought it would be. Of course now that Hiro has jumped back in time, I have a feeling we’ll be seeing her again. More importantly, what repercussions will Hiro’s time-travelling have for the present. I’ve always been a proponent of the theory that Hiro time-travelling is never a good thing and he’ll no doubt mess something up that causes a little problem, say the end of the world or something along those lines!

Mr. Horn-Rim Glasses returned, and this time, with somewhat of an explanation for his actions. Kudos to the writers for giving us a little information, while of course ensuring that HRG’s motives are not exactly clear. I maintain that HRG is a good guy, with the caveat that he’ll do anything — including what some may consider ‘evil’ things — to ensure his daughter’s safety. That said, in last night’s episode, he had his trusty right hand man, sorry, woman at his side to convince Isaac to go on a little drug-induced painting trip. What exactly are Eden’s powers? Does she not come across as the type of woman who can get men to do whatever she wants. How she does it, I’ll leave that to your imagination and just conclude by saying that next week’s episode looks fantastic. Proving once again that the true super-powers belong to the NBC promo department. They are capable of ensuring I sit by my TV every Monday at 9PM in the hopes of seeing something remarkable…. they’ve completely brainwashed me…. save the cheerleader… save the world….

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