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Amrie’s Take on TV: Thanks A Million

It’s Thanksgiving week here in the US. That means too much not-moist-enough-turkey, drunk Corinne, pecan-apple-pumpkin pie, and my sister eating a whole can of cranberry sauce by herself. Aside from the crazy family times, it also means time to say thank you for everything that makes you happy. I’m thankful for the wine we get at dinner, I’m thankful for the car I’m driving because it’s in one piece, I’m thankful for Wentworth Miller in general.

This gets me thinking – what else am I thankful for?

1. Robin Sparkles and the greatest song ever written, “Let’s Go to the Mall.” Just when I thought How I Met Your Mother couldn’t possibly get any funnier, they go ahead and make one of the greatest videos ever produced. “Put on your jelly bracelets, and your cool graffiti coat….” They don’t make them like they used to! HA!

2. Taylor Kitsch. Tim Riggins is my favorite tortured soul on television. He’s beautiful, he’s a great actor. He has me completely in love with a drunk high school football player (and as bad as that sounds, he IS twenty-five in real life!). He’s dark and dreamy and rebellious. So awesome!

3. The faith (most of all) that the networks have had in their new shows! This time last season, shows with low ratings like Friday Night Lights and Studio 60 would have been pulled faster than David E. Kelley’s girls’ club. I’ve never had a season where I fell so quickly in love with so many shows. In years past, I’ve started the year watching 50 shows a week, and by the time November sweeps was over, I was down to 20-25. This year, I’m still watching mostly everything that I’ve been watching since the third week of September!

4. Michael Muhney. I’m thankful for the fact that he’s such a generous man, and he’s completely interested in what his fans have to say. He’s overly confident without sounding too conceited for his own good. He’s beautiful, funny, and really, really charming. I’m lucky to have met him and to know him, and I look forward to more Lamb-centric episodes of Veronica Mars!

5. Jim and Karen and Jim and Pam and Pam and Roy and Pam and Toby , etc., on the office. What I loved about The UK Office was the fact that they didn’t get too into the personal lives of their characters. They let us know that Tim loved Dawn and they let us see that Dawn stayed with Lee because it was the safe thing to do, and they let us know that David Brent was a buffoon. Oddly enough, what I love about The US Office is that they’re not afraid to explore the romantic entanglements of their main characters. Yes, I like that the story lies mostly in the interactions that they have in the office itself, but I enjoy investing in the ‘ships!

6. Veronica Mars getting an almost full season. While I’m not sure that means the stories can be wrapped up as easily as Rob and Co. wanted, and I’m not very confident that a fourth season is in the cards, I’m really glad that I’ll get to enjoy this show for the entire year!

7. Rob Lowe. He has aged so damn beautifully. He is the perfect addition to a spot-on cast. I enjoy Brothers and Sisters so much and can only hope that they’ll get even better as the year goes, especially now that Rob is a member of this wonderful cast!

8. Battlestar Galactica. Sure, after a long hard week of work, there really isn’t anything I want less than to feel depressed and gloomy and ask myself a million questions about ethics and suicide bombings and war. But Fridays at 9PM, I’m sucked into that world week after week, and want nothing more than to spend hours upon hours of time with Apollo, Starbuck, Helo, and the Chief as they run from and battle the Cylons day after day! Is there another show on the air that so daringly attacks these storylines? And with such aplomb? So good.

In other news….

Brand new episodes of Grey’s, Ugly Betty, and Shark on Thanksgiving are giving me reason to enjoy these shows in the company of my favorite lady in the world, my Gram. I love watching my shows with her because she knows everything even if she’s never seen an episode. It’s like she has some crazy sixth sense about it. It’s insanity, and absolutely worthy of her own television show!

Arrested Development reruns on G4 make me happy. I worship that show, that cast, the writers, directors, narrators, etc. It’s always my favorite 30 minutes time!

While it’s not necessarily TV related, wish me luck on Black Friday as I head to the stores at 4AM (to be fair, I will be buying TV on DVD at basement-low prices!!)

That’s it for this week – what are you thankful for? What are you excited for as November sweeps begins to come to a close? Drop a line at

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