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Tim Daly Can’t Catch A Break

With the recent announcement by ABC that THE NINE has been cancelled, it has not been a good week for fans of Tim Daly. That said, here’s a little good news to brighten up your Sunday. EYES, Daly’s short-lived yet fantastic ABC action/drama is now available to watch online for free thanks to AOL’S IN2TV service. Eight episodes are currently available, which is a nice bonus, considering ABC yanked the show off it’s schedule after a mere five airings.

EYES followed the firm of Judd Risk Management, an group of private investigators who used barely legal means to investigate individuals and crimes where law enforcement would fall short. The show starred Tim Daly as Harlan Judd and also featured a stellar ensemble including Laura Leighton (MELROSE PLACE), Eric Mabious (UGLY BETTY) and Rick Worthy (BATTLESTAR GALACTICA).

The show was well reviewed, very well acted and exciting to watch. Of course, as is the case with many of the shows loves, America didn’t agree and EYES quickly found itself among the many ‘brilliant but cancelled’ shows of 2005. While it’s nice that ABC is giving the show another chance to find an audience online. It would be even nicer if they picked a platform that wasn’t so restrictive. For some ridiculous reason, AOL’s IN2TV service only works with PC’s — which in this day and age is completely unacceptable. Why AOL continues to exclude a large potential pool of good-looking and intelligent MAC users is beyond me. Can we please see EYES up on iTunes so everybody can enjoy it (and KIDNAPPED for that matter as well!).

Thanks to TVSquad for the Tip.

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