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Topped TiVo’d Moments of 2006

TiVo has released its top TiVo’d (yes I realize TiVo isn’t supposed to be used as a verb!) moments of 2006. This TV Addict would like to see the most YouTube’d (definitely not a word) moments of 2006 — as we all know that anything worth seeing on TV is now invariably posted on YouTube within hours (see: Kramer’s Meltdown, Star Jones leaving THE VIEW, Rosie ‘speaking’ Chinese, Danny Devito drunk on THE VIEW etc.)

TiVo’s Top 10 Moments of 2006

1. Katie Couric’s last day on Today. Yes, I PVR’d through her 3 hour marathon sobfest.
2. Mel Gibson’s interview with Diane Sawyer. Didn’t see it, Mel’s an idiot.
3. Oprah slapping around James Frey. Can’t stand Oprah.
4. Sara and Grissom on CSI. Don’t watch CSI.
5. Faith Hill’s reaction after losing a CMA award to Carrie Underwood. Didn’t see it.
6. Kirstie Alley in the bikini on Oprah’s show. Not a chance.
7. Will and Grace finale. Love it! I miss Karen & Jack!
8. Kate and Sawyer doing it on Lost. Seriously Hot.
9. Rosie’s first day on The View. Rosie makes THE VIEW TiVo Worthy.
10. Connie Chung singing on MSNBC. She’s still on television?

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