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Why I Love Rosie

Here’s why ROSIE simply rocks (yes, you heard me Mr. Trump!). This morning on THE VIEW Rosie brought on a young girl named Stephanie to talk about how she deals with having Cystic Fibrosis. At the end of the conversation, Rosie asked Stephanie what her favourite musical was. Apparently, they bonded over their mutual love of musical theatre, specifically RENT. Rosie asks Stephanie to start singing “500,250,600 minutes…” and anyone who’s watched even a few minutes of ROSIE or THE VIEW knew where this was going. By the second chorus, the entire cast of RENT comes on stage, and sings along with Stephanie (who of course was completely shocked and amazed). It was a beautiful moment, and yet another reason why Rosie is awesome. Check out the clip below.

For more information on Cystic Fibrosis, and how you can help, please visit

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