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FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS: The Best Show You’re Not Watching

This Christmas, with family and friends on vacation, I found myself with a lot of free time on my hands. So what did I turn to? Alcohol of course — umm, no. More like my real addiction— Television. Over the weekend I decided to clear out my PVR and watch the entire season of NBC’s freshman drama FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS.

While millions of Americans devoured their turkey and stuffing, this TV Addict found himself far more concerned with whether or not the Dillon Panthers would recover from losing their top quarterback Jason Street. Or if, sorry, WHEN, Street would discover what his girlfriend Lyla (what a slut!) and his best friend Riggins (worst best friend ever!) were doing while he was laid up in the hospital. Or whether the new Panther QB Matt Saracen would channel the courage to ask out adorable Julie (who just happens to be Coach Taylors daughter). And how on earth Coach Taylor (Kyle Chander) and his wife (Connie Britton) would keep their marriage together in the midst of all this football madness (Seriously, best TV couple ever!).

Let me say this folks, if you’re not watching FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, now is the time to jump on the Dillon Panther bandwagon. Still unsure? Think DAWSON’S CREEK but smarter, ONE TREE HILL with responsible, nay, remarkable parents or simply put, one my top 10 television shows of the year (check out’s year end review starting tomorrow).

Until January 2nd, you can catch every episode of FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS over on by clicking here. Canadians even have access to the series, by watching it over at Yahoo TV

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