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TV’s Top 10 Shows of 2006

DEXTER An hour long drama about a serial killer. Does anybody actually want to see that? Luckily for Showtime [and fans of quality TV] a record number of people did — and for good reason. DEXTER featured an Emmy worthy performance by Michael C Hall (Dexter Morgan), compelling stories and most importantly (in the age of serialized ‘when are we going to get a resolution’ dramas) an actual ending. The show was the surprise hit of 2006 — and no, DEXTER isn’t number one on our list because we’re really quite scared of what he’ll do to us if he’s not happy.
A Favourite YouTube Moment — Dexter Confesses

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA No show on television dares to challenge its viewers as much as BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. Whether its showing us a different side of terrorism, or portraying its ‘human heroes’ as people willing to do some seriously awful things (yes, you heard us Starbuck) — the show’s writing team, led by the brilliant Ronald D Moore, never takes the easy way out. Let’s hope our heroes don’t find Earth too quickly, as this TV addict doesn’t wish to see BATTLESTAR end anytime soon.
A Favourite YouTube Moment — Second Season Finale

HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER Three words: Robing Sparkles and Swarley. Oh wait, there’s more…. Grinch, Suit Up, Steak Sauce, pretty much anything that comes out of Barney’s mouth. This year, HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER truly came into its own, found its voice, and evolved into the FRIENDS replacement that we’ve so desperately needed. With a charming cast and razor sharp dialogue, HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER was officially the funniest, most talked about, three camera comedy on TV.
A Favourite YouTube Moment — Robin’s Secret

GREY’S ANATOMY What’s been lost amidst all the behind-the-scenes antics is that 2006 was by far the strongest year to date for the doctors of Seattle Grace. With water-cooler moments ranging from the fantastic Superbowl episode, to Denny’s death and more recently the deterioration of Dr. Burke and Cristina’s relationship, GREY’S ANATOMY is still our go-to drama for emotional high-stakes drama.
A Favourite YouTube Moment — Grey’s Anatomy The Fray

SCRUBS SCRUBS is that rare breed of show that simply does everything well. It tugs at the heart-strings as well as any medical drama while at the same time manages to be as funny as any episode of HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER. After six years, the show has developed such a rich stock of supporting characters [Ted the lawyer, the Todd, Security guard with a hook etc…) that it has essentially evolved into a live-action equivalent of THE SIMPSONS (but with more heart). If you’re still not on the bandwagon, do yourself a favour and check into Sacred Heart soon. Sadly, if the rumours are true, it may be the last season you’ll be able to.
A Favourite YouTube Moment — Dr. Cox Loses It

BROTHERS & SISTERS After a tumultuous pilot season as well as numerous re-writes and re-casts, it’s remarkable that BROTHERS & SISTER turned out as well as it did. ABC (and a grateful audience) can thank EVERWOOD mastermind Greg Berlanti, who came on board and did what he does best — create interesting stories derived from family conflict. Sure the Walker family can’t sit down around the dinner table without at least one member storming off in tears. But thanks to perhaps the most talented cast on television, count us in for second helpings each and every Sunday.

FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS Not a football fan, no worries. We’ll let you in on a little secret. FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS isn’t really about football. It’s about growing up, family relationships, drugs, sex, violence, class, race, injury, health, and okay, a little football. But trust us, give yourself and episode or two and you’ll fall in love with the small town of Dillon Texas faster then Peyton Manning can through a touchdown (how’s that for an unexpected sports reference?!)
A Favourite YouTube Moment – Matt and Julie Montage

THE OFFICE The highest compliment we can pay THE OFFICE is that it almost makes us want to go out and look for a real job [I said almost!]. Whether its a ‘Michael Scott Joint’, an impromptu seminar on co-worker relations, or a field trip to a local restaurant, Michael Scott provided us with a year full of moments that made us laugh or feel horribly uncomfortable, and rarely at the same time. More importantly, THE OFFICE also managed to deftly handle the Pam and Jim ‘will they or won’t they’ relationship in such a brilliant manner that we could go years without a resolution. And believe you me, if the show remains this good, we’ll gladly wait as long as it takes for that very special Pam and Jim wedding.
A Favourite YouTube Moment – Pam & Jim and the CIA

EVERWOOD It may be gone, but it’s far from forgotten. Having been unceremoniously dumped from the new CW’s schedule in place of RUNAWAY (how’s that doing by the way?), EVERWOOD will always hold in place in our hearts (and hopefully, it Warner Bros gets its act together, our DVD collection as well). It’s been seven months, and we still miss Ephram, Dr. Brown, Delia, Amy, Bright, Dr. Abbott, Rose, Edna, Nina, Jake, Hanna and the entire sleepy little town of Everwood Colorado. Thankfully if you’re still going through withdrawal, or missed the boat the first time, you can catch EVERWOOD weeknights on ABC Family (in the US) and on VisionTV (in Canada).
A Favourite YouTube Moment – Amy & Ephram, Everwood’s Finale

THE NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD CHRISTINE Critics who are convinced the classic sitcom is dead need only check out THE NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD CHRISTINE for proof that they’re jumping the gun. Julia Louis-Dreyfus gives it her all as the show’s title character, and her energy and enthusiasm pay off with laughs. The show, while not groundbreaking or edgy in any way, does what a sitcom’s supposed to do — make us laugh.
A Favourite YouTube Moment – Covering Your Nut!

Tune in tomorrow for’s ‘Honourable Mentions of 2006’

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