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FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS: It’s About Relationships, Not Football!

It should come as no surprise to regular visitors to that I absolutely loved last night’s episode of FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS. Once again, the most under-appreciated show on television continues to surprise, entertain and enlighten a TV addict who has almost zero (and by almost, I mean I watch the Superbowl for the commercials!) interest in football.

Last night’s installment, entitled “Always Let Them Know You Have Options,” had practically nothing to do with football (I can’t reiterate that enough folks), so I thought I’d break it down for you’all (that’s my Dillon Texas accent coming out, in case you’re wondering)

Coach Taylor and Smash: Throughout most of the episode, Coach Taylor and Smash were under some serious pressure. Smash trying to do right by coach after getting caught taking steroids and Coach just trying to get his team through the playoffs. I absolutely loved their scene together at the end of the episode — even though it was a classic ‘Mighty Ducks 2’ sports cliché. Realizing football was just a game and playing some pick-up football with the local kids — that’s what sport is all about.

Matt and Julie: Matt simply put, it’s time to get your head out of your butt. Yes, you’re QB1 and have been crowned king of Dillon because of it, but I think you may want to step back and remember you’re only in that position because Jason’s in a wheel chair. Stop treating Julie so poorly. While one angry TV Addict may not scare you, a pissed off Coach Taylor certainly will.

Julie and Tyra: Tyra has quickly climbed the ladder to become one of this TV addict’s favourite characters on the show. I loved how she took Julie under her wing and started to teach her how to deal with football jocks, “Talk about the basketball team a lot, they hate that.” I look forward to watching their relationship expand.

Tim Riggins and his Dad: Most emotional moment of the night goes to the final scene of the episode where Tim’s Dad shocks both Tim and us as viewers by showing up at the game. I didn’t see that coming. FNL took what at first appeared to be a one cliché of a story-line and took it to the next level.

Lyla and Jason: And speaking of cliché, the high school king and queen getting married is something I most definitely don’t want to see on the show. Both Jason and Lyla have too much living (and growing) to do before they’re tied down to eachother. It’s time to break up America’s Sweethearts and move on.

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