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Live Blogging LOST (Episode 7, Season 3)

9:52PM: Just flipped on LOST: THE SURVIVAL GUIDE… I didn’t know it was hosted by Damon and Carlton, I love them!

So, when we last left our Losties it was a few months ago… does anyone actually remember what happened> Oh wait, that’s what this recap is for.

Sawyer and Kate finally did it! Jack must operate on Ben! Juliette is really creepy and we’re not sure as to what her motives are…. Damn that was a great final episode. Do we think we’ll get any answers? Producers Cuse and Lindeloff promise we will. There’s a great interview with them on

10:00PM: “This season delivers like no other show on television” Well, we’re about to find out if ABC’S marketing department promises the truth.

10:03PM: Juliette Flashback… this should be good. Any guesses to her backstory?

10:09PM: Okay, I didn’t freeze frame Juliette’s keycard. No doubt it had some of our favourite numbers and some link to the dharma initiative. I guess I’ll have to watch the episode again. Interesting. Juliette’s obviously committing a felony to protect a family member…. she will fit in very well with the rest of the Losties.

10:13PM: Shooting Kate’s walkie talkie right out of her hand, without injuring her… what are the odds? Rosseau’s daughter (Alex I think!) is back…. very convenient.

10:17PM: 17 minutes in and so far loving it. Of course no answers yet, but I’m sure we’ll get a jaw dropping final scene.

10:20PM: Woah.. experimenting on your own sister….. I’m no doctor, but I’m pretty sure that’s against the hippocratic oath. How much do you wanna bet Juliette is working for the Whidmore corporation?

10:23PM: Is Benry Gale channeling Hannibal Lector? Mabye it’s the constant promos for Hannibal Rising, but their voices are sounding pretty similar. Crazy unfair…. if only I could read lips… what are they saying? What is Benry and Juliette’s history? So many questions…. answers pllleeaasseee….

10:28PM: How good does Sunday’s night on ABC look…. EXTREME MAKEOVER (tears welling up already), DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES and my favourite show of the new season BROTHERS & SISTERS (give Sally Field an Emmy Please)

10:30PM: Privately funded… hmmmm I wonder by whom… Trips… hmmmm on an airplane perhaps.

10:34PM: The old wookie prisoner gag… Love it! What the Frak… “Everything Changes….” This show is so messed up.. Can’t wait for some internet nerd to create a gallery of every image that flashed on screen. Of course I am live blogging LOST, so I fall into the ‘internet nerd’ category.

10:23PM: Public service announcement: I saw BLOOD DIAMOND… if you’re buying your significant other a Diamond for Valentine’s Day…. make sure it’s not a conflict Diamond… Seriously.

10:43PM: Okay, that was nuts. Can Juliette make things happen like Walt? Woah, Juliette shoots Tom… so Sydney Bristow.

10:52PM: Evangeline Lilly really is a fantastic actress. JJ is so good at finding the IT girl… First Keri, then J Garner….

10:53PM: I’m pretty sure they’ll be back for Jack.

10:57PM: Creepy…. did the Dharma Initiative really kill Juliette’s ex. To quote Joey ‘Joseph’ Lawrence “Woah”

10:59PM: An overall fantastic episode. With of course no answers. But hey… it’s LOST… did we really expect any?

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