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GILMORE GIRLS: Worst Episode Ever?

I’m not quite sure I want to declare last night’s episode of GILMORE GIRLS the worst episode in the history of Stars Hollow, but it is most definitely up for consideration. Let’s look at the facts shall we. First off, the episode featured Michel with an actual storyline — something we haven’t had to sit through since the awful ‘Winnebago debacle’ of two seasons ago. And secondly, while I’m happy to see Lorelai heading towards ‘LukeVille’ — every good scene was shown in the CW’s endless parade of promos leading up to the episode. Lorelai telling Chris “You’re the man I want to want!” — seen it! Lorelai waving to Luke through the diner window — stuck in my memory. So when the hour was over what were we left with? Lorelai moments that we’ve already seen, an inconsequential relationship speed bump for Rory and Logan, and a funeral for one really ugly dog (and this is coming from an obsessed dog owner).

I think my new television pet peeve is when the TV network marketing department shows us the final scene of the episode in the hopes of sucking us in with a ‘shocking twist’. Recent culprits include HEROES and GILMORE GIRLS. I’m not sure giving up the final scene of an episode is the best way too ensure viewers tune in. More then not it seems to result in some really angry and disappointed viewers.

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