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Live Blogging LOST (Episode 8, Season 3)

Valentine’s Day be damned! Join during LOST tonight (10PM EST) for a live blog event that is sure to rival any of your Valentine’s Day plans. Yup, you heard me. Forget the holiday that’s been made up to sell greeting cards, tell you Valentine to get LOST (get it?!? really, not funny?) and log on to

9:59PM: WOW… people showed up… and on Valentine’s day nonetheless. I’m psyched. Okay, I didn’t remember any of the ‘previously on…’ stuff. Our Losties… they’re alive! Shockingly Hurley hasn’t lost weight.

10:03PM: Eko is dead…. how many months ago was that? Claire, you’re alive. You’ve had like what… one line in the first six episodes?

10:05PM: “That Guy, sees the future dude…” Desmond… Hiro… time travel…hmmm

10:09PM: OMG, could Charley be anymore annoying. First he’s jealous of Locke, now Desmond… can the mysterious smoke monster please kill Charlie.

10:11PM: Eleven minutes in… no flashback… is that a record? Wait, I’ve got it… the whole series is in DESMOND’S MIND! It’s just one giant flashback.

10:13PM: Desmond has good hearing… okay he totally has superpowers. LOST is desperate for ratings… they’re trying to leach of the success of HEROES! (please note sarcasm)

10:16PM: Painting…. hello! Isaac’s powers… okay this is weird.

10:21PM: 815, The numbers… creepy… Nice painting… who’s going to screen cap it and analyze it. Huh… Mr. Meade… is Desmond going to work for Mode?

10:26PM: Desmond… craazzzyyy. Half way through the episode. All I know is we better get an explanation for Desmond in the next thirty minutes.

10:37PM: I’m speechless… really what the FRAK is going on? Now Fionnula Flanagan can see the future?

10:41PM: Coincidentally, Mrs. Flanagan starred in the 2001 movie called THE OTHERS!

10:45PM: Why do European sirens sound so much more ominous than North American ones?

10:48PM: An interesting parallel to Sun and Jin. Sun is the wealthy woman who’s father doesn’t approve of Jin.

10:55PM: “I wasn’t saving Claire Charlie, I was saving you…” So this pretty much means Charlie is destined to die. Interesting.

10:59PM: No Matter What I Try To Do… You’re Going to Die Charlie… Well duh.. eventually we’re all going to die. Honestly, not a bad episdoe, but really, more questions than answers. Next week’s episode does look amazing though. It looks like we’ll actually get some answers. Thanks to everyone for stopping by and commenting. Happy Valentine’s Day to one and all!

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