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I Got Me My Dreamgirls Medley

theTHEATREaddict here with an OSCAR report:

Every year I bore myself by watching the Oscars. I am irritated by most of it and grumpy the next morning about staying up to watch the whole affair. This year I made it through 90 minutes and went to bed despite having yet to watch the Dreamgirls performance. I was secure however in believing that J-Hud would take home the golden man despite Eddie Murphy’s loss for best supporting actor. Tony Award winning actor Allan Arkin really was fantastic in Little Miss Sunshine and his win was well deserved.

I woke up this morning to fast forward through everything I missed, which was unsurprisingly little. Jennifer’s win was anti climactic but still exciting. The last minute shout out to Jennifer Holliday was very classy. As I was searching for the song performance my PVR was getting dangerously to the end. The show ran late and I didn’t get everything, which I didn’t seem to care about as I got through to the announcement of best song, which I will return to.

As blogged when the Oscars nominations were announced, “I really hope Jennifer Hudson and Beyonce will sing their songs. With regards to Patience I am so curious to see who and how it will be performed. I can’t imagine Eddie Murphy will sing live but it would be awesome to watch Keith Robinson and Anika Noni Rose with a gospel choir take it on. So help the wrath of the TheatreAddict if they cheat us with a lame Dreamgirls medley!!!”

Well I got me a medley and gospel choir and I didn’t feel cheated. It was wonderfully staged and J-Hud, Beyonce and Anika looked gorgeous in red while begging for a wardrobe malfunction. The three songs were lush and I liked how they split up the parts. The girls and Keith Robinson, so thrilled he was sharing that stage, were note perfect. Things I couldn’t stop thinking about during the performance – J-Hud was booted from AI; Beyonce was out to prove she is talented and boy did she give a performance and yes she is talented; Beyonce sang the lyric, “You know you’re the best” directly to J-Hud, AWKWARD; and finally Anika Noni Rose starred in From Justin to Kelly, I am not making that up see the IMDB, and now she was giving a killer performance on the Oscars. I hope this leads to more opportunities for all four of them. The final Dreamgirls pose looked awesome.

In Oscar conclusion how did one of those Dreamgirls’ songs not win for best song!?! Yes I know they cancel each other out, but still you would think one of them would have come out ahead. I guess Hollywood likes to feel good about going green by giving gold statutes to environmentally friendly movies. How many Hummer limos were idling outside and how many tins of caviar were recycled? Hollywood still doesn’t respect the musical theatre!!!

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