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SCRUBS: A Clip Show, Seriously?

A Memo to SCRUBS creator and show-runner Bill Lawrence,

There’s no denying the fact that for nearly six seasons you’ve provided viewers with countless episodes filled with laughter, emotion and more laughter. As long as we live, we’ll never forget the brilliance and originality of Dr. Acula, floating head doctor, Turk getting jiggy with it, Ted, The Janitor, Kelso’s ‘son issues’, The Todd and more moments too numerous to mention. That said, I never thought I’d see the day when SCRUBS would sink to the level of HOME IMPROVEMENT and employ the dreaded classic sitcom clip show.

A clip show!? Seriously, a frakkin’ CLIP SHOW! Why Bill Why? Did your brilliant musical episode really take that much out of the cast and writing staff?

Okay, perhaps I’m a tad melodramatic (as The Fray’s HOW TO SAVE A LIFE plays in my head). After-all, even with a clip show, you still managed to give us two hilarious moments (Turk—ey bacon, and J.D. joke comment about The Fray). For now, I’m going to let your generic sitcom screw-up slide. Just promise me it won’t happen again. You do not want to risk the wrath of an angry TV Addict — or an even angrier Janitor who’ve I’ve paid to exact my revenge.

Keep up the great work,

Daniel (theTVaddict)

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