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Knowing full well that this may destroy my TV addict street cred, I’m just going to go ahead and admit that I really enjoyed Thursday’s episode of OCTOBER ROAD. Call me a sucker for the guy getting the girl (or simply a big fan of air bands) but I really want to see Donna and Eric… I mean Hannah and Nick become a family. I’ll even go as far to say that I enjoyed agoraphobic Phil’s crush on the pizza delivery girl. With only one more episode scheduled to air on ABC, this TV addict can’t help but wonder what lies ahead for the cast of OCTOBER ROAD.

Rebecca, we tried to warn you! (Clearly you don’t frequent Walker family dinners never end well and last nights ‘meet Rebecca’ dinner was no exception.

That said even we didn’t foresee Kevin turning all ‘CSI’ as he awkwardly attempted to pull out a strand of your hair. Did he really think you wouldn’t feel a hair being pulled out of your head?

So there’s what you’ve been missing for twenty one years, one really crazy family. It’s somewhat perplexing that even after you were put on display like an adorable zoo animal, you’re still angry at your mother for not letting you grow up with the somewhat nutty Walker clan.

Moving on to another brother, Tommy, what’s the deal with you wanting to know who the bio-dad of your twin’s really are? How exactly will it make you feel better if you know that either Justin or Kevin’s ‘little guys’ made it to the finish line? I say just wait a few years and watch closely to see if either twin has an addictive personality

And finally, Nora. It’s about time you stopped blaming Holly, Rebecca and the rest of the family for William’s indiscretions. Your final scene as you tossed William’s wedding ring into the water was one of your strongest this season. Emmy voters take note.

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