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FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS: Only One Episode Left

Does anyone else feel that FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS is wrapping up a few too many story-lines leading up to next weeks season finale?

Don’t get me wrong, I love story-lines that actually pay off and reward viewers that tune in regularly. But I have this sinking suspicion that the FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS writers know something we don’t and as a result have been intentionally tying up stories for fear they won’t be getting a second season (both in the TV and literal sense) to do so.

It’s pretty obvious that Coach Taylor is going to cave into Tami’s demand and turn down the job in Austin. How many universities are there in the United States? Thousands. How many Tami Taylor’s are there? ‘Nuff said.

Jason Street has a new job and possibly a new girlfriend. Frankly, it’s about time the guy caught a break and had some happiness in his life. How great was his smile after he told QB1 Jason that he’ll, “Take care of Julie. I’ll give her a nice call and tell her there’s a new girl in town and that girl is me.”

Moving on to the Panther Roast. Sure it’s a conceit of the show, but I absolutely love how every week in Dillon there’s a new after school event revolving around football. Dance, carnival, rally, bake sale — aside from Buddy Garrity, who in Dillon can afford to attend all these events?

I imagine being a football star in Dillon is the equivalent of being a famous child actor. Incredible while you’re at the top, but somewhat sad to know the highlight of your life was when you were seventeen. No wonder Al Bundy couldn’t stop talking about his four touchdowns at Poke High and Brian Bonsall ended up like this.

That said, the Roast was a ton of fun to watch and a welcome change from the horrifying final minutes of last week’s episode. Tami once again proved why she’s worth turning down the TMU job for and Tim Riggin’s line about Matt and Julie had me rolling on the floor laughing — “How ‘bout Saracen sleeping with the coach’s daughter?” Leave it to Tim to empty out a room.

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