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Through with CW on Tuesdays?

Historically, my Tuesday nights have revolved around new episodes of either GILMORE GIRLS and VERONICA MARS. But since Gilmore’s been in repeat mode and Veronica was unceremoniously replaced by a bunch of PussyCat Dolls — like any good TV addict, I found myself in search of a new fix.

Surprisingly, that fix is FOX as I’ve lately found myself hooked on AMERICAN IDOL and HOUSE. There’s something comforting about knowing exactly what you’re getting between the hours of eight and ten on Tuesday night. More specifically, no disappointing plot-lines like ‘April’ and ‘Christopher’ to ruin my night.

With IDOL we get to watch amateur singers strive for fifteen minutes of fame while HOUSE never fails to deliver interesting and suspenseful stories wrapped up nicely in forty-four minutes. Combined, both shows deliver two hours of entertainment and more importantly provide us with two of television’s most compelling characters — Dr. House and Simon Cowell respectively. (How many of you were waiting for me to say Sanjaya?)

When GILMORE GIRLS and VERONICA MARS finally return with new episodes, the CW will have bigger issues to deal with than simply wrapping up their seasons (or is it series?) properly. They’ll have to entice this TV addict, and millions others to return to the network that decided to replace our beloved blond-haired detective with scantily clad ‘musicians’. Dawn Ostroff, were the PUSSYCAT DOLLS worth it?

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