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Rooommate Issues? Vent Your Frustrations Here!

As I was just discussing with my good friend Amrie (My Take on TV), living with someone is tricky business. Even if it’s say, your best friend, there are times when even the best of roommates can get on your nerves. If you’ve ever lived with someone — friend, spouse, partner — odds are, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

The roommate that parties all night, only to stumble in at 3AM and wake you up. The roommate who’s significant other never leaves YOUR house. The roommate that leaves for work so early you never get to sleep in past 7AM. The roommate that never bothers to do their dishes (oh wait, that’s my problem!).

So as a public service to frustrated roommates everywhere, we at thought we’d give you some space to secretly vent your frustrations. Get a little something off your chest, lighten the mood a bit.

What exactly am I talking about? Head on over to your roommates television. Check out what’s saved on his or her PVR/TIVO/DVR/VCR and take notes. Does your roomate have REBA on season’s pass? (oh wait, that’s me!) Loves HANNAH MONTANA? Knows all the words to Disney’s HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL? Addicted to DR. PHIL? GREG BERNHARDT? OPRAH? Post away with the embarrassing shows they not-so-secretly watch. Trust me, you’ll feel better. I’ll start:

Some of the funnier things on my thirty-year old roommate’s PVR:

JUMP IN! — The Disney Channel Original Movie.
HOUSE OF CARTERS — The A&E reality show.
THE VIEW — Numerous episodes of America’s gabfest.

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