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Enrico Colantoni: VERONICA MARS isn’t Dead Yet

Enrico Colantoni’s spending the summer hiatus in his hometown of Toronto (Canada) to shoot a Céline Dion TV biopic where he plays husband/manager René Angelil. In an interview with the Toronto Star’s Rob Salem, Colantoni wanted to set the record straight with regards to the fate of his ‘regular gig’ VERONICA MARS

Rob (creator/producer Thomas) and a couple of the other executives said, `Let’s make a little showcase pilot of what Veronica could be like in four years.’ They thought Dawn might latch on to the idea of Veronica as an FBI agent in a kind of sexy workplace environment, á la Grey’s Anatomy, that kind of thing.

“We shot 10 pages and they saw it and the reaction was, `That’s not our show.’ Then they saw the last episode of this season, and it was so on the money … it was like the first two years. And I think the network was very excited about that.

Click here to read the interview in it’s entirety.

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