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Fox Throws DRIVE Under The Bus

According to TVGuide’s Michael Ausiello, FOX’s race-themed DRIVE won’t be crossing the finish line. He reports that after only three episodes, the show has been pulled from the rotation, although there’s a chance the remaining two unaired episodes may yet see the light of day. All of which means… yup, FOX screwed us again. Anybody remember a little show called REUNION? You know, the one which followed an unfolding murder mystery over the span of so years… until it was prematurely killed? Did anyone at the network stop to think that perhaps nobody tuned in to DRIVE — their latest serialized saga — out of fear that it would never cross the finish line? The nets need to stop expecting viewers to take a chance on shows with continuing storylines unless they guarantee us — up front — that we’ll get a pay-off. Each and every time they prematurely send a series to that great junkyard in the sky, they give us another reason to avoid similar future offerings. Commitment is a two-way street, fellas. That’s all we’re sayin’.

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