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IDOL GIVES BACK — A Two Hour Borefest

If it hadn’t already with the whole Sanjaya thing, we’d say AMERICAN IDOL has now officially jumped the shark. Hell, last night’s two hour “most shocking elimination ever” build up to the absolutely unshocking fact that nobody was eliminated caused the show to not only jump the shark, but then catch the poor guy, cut him up and serve him on a platter. This after we’d already sat through the previous night’s meeting of the Suicidal Wristslitters Social Club in which the personality-free contestants depressed the hell out of us. The show spent weeks and weeks promoting the whole IDOL GIVES BACK thing when, in fact, the non-elimination round served to simply pour millions more into the pockets of the same FOX executives who cancelled DRIVE. Good job, fellas. See you in television hell! (Which we imagine is simply a room where 7TH HEAVEN plays for eternity)

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