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Adrian Pasdar Spills on the HEROES Season Finale

TheTVaddict just got off the phone with HEROES stars Adrian Pasdar (Nathan Petrelli), Malcolm McDowell (Linderman) and Cristine Rose (Angela Petrelli). While the actors couldn’t reveal too much about the season finale — having taken the Tim Kring oath of secrecy — they did reveal a few morsels of scoop that fellow HEROES addicts will no doubt find fascinating.

When asked about what fans can look forward to in the finale, Adrian Pasdar had this to say:

In the final few minutes of the finale, all the questions that were posed in the show’s pilot will be answered. In fact, everything gets resolved in a big way.

My character [Nathan] plays a huge part in the final scene. And let me say this, it’s mind-blowing, stunning the way everything comes together.

Season two will pick up at the very end of the finale and I don’t think anyone will guess where. Needless to say, it’s a very, very interesting place.

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