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The Next IDOL?

Seeing as AMERICAN IDOL is far-and-away the highest rated show on television, it was inevitable that the producers would attempt to expand their empire. So expect to see a show which mirrors many aspects of IDOL but focuses on propelling a band into the limelight as opposed to a single performer. Producers stress that this will, in fact, be its own animal, and will not – according to Variety – include crossovers from Simon Cowell or Ryan Seacrest. It will, however, reportedly continue one of IDOL’s most ludicrous aspects by having the bands compete in a variety of styles. Why not just call it AMERICAN WEDDING SINGER, since few radio-ready bands are asked to venture beyond the type of music with which they make their name. Can you see Green Day performing ABBA’s Dancing Queen? Then again, this might lead to some interesting renditions. In any case, the show will differ from the mothership in one important way: It will follow the personal lives of the various competitors. Frankly, we’ve always been amazed that IDOL hasn’t expanded the franchise by throwing contestants into a BIG BROTHER-like house and letting the public get a voyeuristic thrill by watching their daily lives. Then again, given the incredibly dull personas who remain in the running for the title, perhaps AMERICAN PAINT DRYING would be more interesting.

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