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The Office Expands, Hollywood’s Officially Run Out of Ideas

This afternoon, E!Online is reporting that NBC has reached an agreement with THE OFFICE to produce 24 episodes of the hit workplace laugher next season, including four hour-long specials.

An expanded OFFICE signifies one thing: the networks have yet again failed in their attempt to produce quality new shows for next season (specifically comedies). Why spend the time and money to produce original and creative content when it’s far easier to spin-off an already established character into say a PRIVATE PRACTICE? Or expand the working hours of THE OFFICE so much so that the quality of the show invariably suffers. Spin-offs and super-sized episodes are the easy way out, and in the long run, do nothing but hurt an already ailing industry.

Let’s face it, creativity in Hollywood is officially dead (or at the very least on life support.) And if this development season has proven anything, it’s that once again network suits have absolutely no idea what they’re doing (a comedy based on the Geico Caveman commercials, seriously?).

With that in mind don’t be surprised when ABC president Steve McPherson steps up to the podium at Tuesday’s ABC UpFront presentation to announce the networks next hit comedy: ACCORDING TO JIM’S COUSIN.

Yup, that noise you heard is the sound of my DVR desperately trying to shut itself down.

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