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The Comic Book Conundrum

With the recent announcement that VERONICA MARS may see a fourth season — albeit in comic book form — this TV Addict thought he’d pose a question to fellow TV Addicts everywhere. Is extending the life of a cancelled show via comic book a trend we should be excited about?

Short of a move to the big screen, or a two hour wrap-up movie (which rarely happens) I can’t help but think that a comic book is the perfect way to continue some of’s favorite ‘brilliant but cancelled’ shows. Sure nothing can replace the show itself, but face the facts — VERONICA MARS, ANGEL, FIREFLY and ALIAS are not coming back. Not even on that much talked about MIA network that Ausiello often hints at.

The way I see it, comics have a serious upside. Not only are they being written for the hardcore fans, ensuring the writer’s don’t have to dumb down the story for a mass audience (see: VERONICA MARS season three). There are no budgetary or casting constrains on the creative team. If JJ Abrams wants SpyMommy Irina Derevko back for the ‘season’, all he has to do is draw her!

Perhaps BUFFY fans could chime in with their thoughts on how they’ve enjoyed BUFFY SEASON EIGHT via comic book. How does the comic compare to the television show? How much, if anything, has been lost in BUFFY’S translation from screen to page? Are we correct in assuming that as long as the show’s original creator is at the helm (ie. Joss Whedon, Rob Thomas), VERONICA MARS the comic book will be almost as enjoyable as a fourth season?

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