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Can Television Studios Have it Both Ways?

Television studios are leaking faster than the Titanic. Over the past few weeks, some of the fall’s hottest new show — including BIONIC WOMAN, CHUCK, PUSHING DAISIES, WEEDS and DEXTER have all “mysteriously” found their way online. And oddly enough, television executives don’t seem to mind.

In fact, when recently contacted by Rick Ellis of, an anonymous Warner Bros. executive came clean, admitting that he was the brains behind the PUSHING DAISIES leak, stating in an email, “I just thought it was a good idea. Even though… I don’t have any direct stake in the show, it’s a really great project. It’s tough to describe, though, and while it makes great sense once you’ve seen it, it’s one of those shows that will only work if people do tune in at least once.”

In other words, it’s all about generating buzz.

At the other end of the spectrum is 25-year-old Chicago resident Jorge omero, who finds himself facing up to three years in jail for having uploaded the first four episodes of FOX’s hit series 24 before they hit the airwaves last January.

Romero and the nameless Warner Brothers exec did exactly the same thing, and yet the former is facing time beyond bars while the latter might well be promoted should his efforts help push DAISIES to the top of the ratings heap this fall. Television is a big business, after all, with untold millions on the line each and every time a new show is launched and networks willing to do whatever it takes to get you to tune in.

But can the studios have their cake and prevent you from eating it, too? Can they have a double standard which practically encourages their employees to secretly feed the hunger of fans eager to be first on their block to see and comment on the new offerings while at the same time trying to punish Joe Q. Public for doing the same thing?

This TV Addict thinks the answer is pretty obvious.

And having sat through most of the last season of 24, if anyone
deserves to be punished, it’s creators Joel Surnow and Robert Cochran
for giving fans the most tedious season to date.

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