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Channel Surfing with C.T.

This summer, Lifetime’s ARMY WIVES has proven to be a wildly entertaining series with some of the most likable characters around. And Sunday night’s finale gave fans exactly what they’ve come to expect: A little romance, a few tears, a hokey moment or two and even a little bit of flag-waving patriotism. But can anyone tell me why the network gave away the “shocking” ending a full week in advance? Viewers who’d seen the previous week’s teaser for the finale knew that someone would walk into the Hump Bar with a bomb strapped to their chest. What we didn’t realize that the moment wasn’t leading up to the cliffhanger, but actually WAS the cliffhanger! Getting all the lead characters together in order to put them in jeopardy is a tried-and-true soap device which was deftly used by the WIVES writers, who probably weren’t thrilled to have their carefully constructed cliffhanger blown by an over-eager PR department.

Why is SURVIVOR heading to China? Have they learned nothing? Past seasons have proven that when the show leaves the beach, viewers tend to abandon ship. I could be wrong, but I think the producers are putting a whole lot more stock into the fact that – as the commercials love to remind us – “for the first time ever” an American television show is filming in the shadow of an ancient mountain… I’m sorry, how long was I asleep? Yes, I’ll tune in on September 20th… but if there aren’t a few interesting folks making the journey, don’t expect me to stick around. And by “interesting” I don’t mean nasty. That’s a casting mistake BIG BROTHER made this season, and if I get even the vaguest hint that the new survivors will prove as unlikable a bunch as their house-bound brethren, I’ll be flipping channels quicker than you can say “the tribe has spoken.”

Usually by this time of year, I’m frantically trying to figure out how I’m going to watch all the great new shows I’m excited to see. This year… not so much? Is it just me, or does the crop of fall programs being offered seem even more lackluster than usual? Have we just been spoiled by the great shows on cable? Help me out, here, folks, because I’m getting depressed. Convince me that at least a few of the new shows coming out are worth getting excited about!

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