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Channel Surfing with C.T.

I want to give AMERICA’S NEXT TOP MODEL credit for sending not one but two socially positive messages in Wednesday night’s episode, what with the announcement that they were the latest show to hop on the “going green” bandwagon (or, in this case, bus) and then the anti-smoking campaign. But for me, they lost major points when they decided that Heather — the awkwardly beautiful girl with a mild form of autism which makes her uncomfortable in social situation — would be put into a photo shoot with another girl while all of the other wanna-be’s were shot solo. That’s just cheap and exploitative. So CT giveth kudos, and CT taketh them away.

Note to media outlets writing about BIONIC WOMAN: Just because you’ve never seen Michelle Ryan before doesn’t make her a “newcomer.” She logged a lot of hours on the British sudser EASTENDERS as troubled teen Zoe Slater. As for the show itself…

… I can’t help but think that the people who insist on remaking classic flicks for the big screen should take a few lessons from their small-screen brethren. BIONIC isn’t so much a remake as a reinvention, in much the same way that BATTLESTAR GALACTICA was completely reimagined (not coincidentally, David Eick was heavily involved in both updates). As a friend said in watching the premiere — and especially the climactic, roof-top battle scene — “Everything is so loud.” And it’s true. Unlike BSG, which tends to speak softly and carry a big stick, BIONIC WOMAN beats us over the head with sound. I remember watching this show as a kid and thinking, “How does she control the level of sound bombarding her all the time?” Well, maybe she does what I did last night and just keeps her finger on the mute button for when it all gets to be a little too much. All in all, the pilot was pretty good… but having heard that the network wants to make significant changes in future episodes, I’ll be interested top see where we go from here.

Wow, were the first few minutes of PRIVATE PRACTICE awkward. That whole “Addison introduces us to all the characters in voiceover” thing didn’t work, and neither did the supposedly funny clips of those caricatures… er, sorry, characters. Fortunately, once we’re introduced to the patients frequenting Addison’s new workplace, things pick up significantly. The show definitely needs to remember that this isn’t GREY’S ANATOMY, and the characters are not, to be generous, 20somethings. By focusing on the patients and letting the doctors act like grownups, what looked like a DOA offering just might have some life in it yet.

Someone at ABC sure as heck likes their Mika. First, his bouncy ode to heavy chicks, “Big Girls”, becomes the cornerstone of a huge UGLY BETTY ad campaign, and then Addison’s dancing naked to “Grace Kelly.” Not that I haven’t been known to do that myself…

When will network execs learn that in this day and age, any new series has about 90 seconds to capture our attention? Both of ABC’s high-profile Wednesday night premieres — PRACTICE and DIRTY SEXY MONEY — got interesting… if you stuck around a bit. I’ll admit that the promos for DIRTY did absolutely nothing for me, and that I was prepared to be wildly disappointed. But the pilot surprised me with its insightful humor, quick pace and spot-on cast who look as if they’re having a blast. Take note, people: This is how a guilty pleasure is done.

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