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HEROES: A Disappointment of Super Proportions

After last night’s fifth chapter of HEROES, two things are clear. One, this TV Addict misses VERONICA MARS more than ever. And two, the writers of HEROES have absolutely no idea what they’re doing. Sound harsh? Let me rephrase. The writers clearly have a plan, it’s simply not a very good one.

Think back to last night’s episode. What exactly happened? I think you’ll find at the end of my rant, the answer is nothing.

Through perhaps the least interesting story device in the history of television [Ando staring at parchment], we learned that Hiro is still stuck in Feudal Japan and about to face his final task. Defeating a character that nobody cares about — White Beard, with the help of two characters we’ve learned to loathe — Kensei and Yaeko.

Peter, still suffering from amnesia makes the idiotic decision to avoid his past [ie. the box] only to change his mind by the end of the episode [big surprise!].

Elle appeared in search of Peter and didn’t do much except to kill Ricky [another thug who I’m not sure if we’re supposed to like or not]. All of which happened off screen due to budgetary constrains the fact that we’re no doubt still supposed to be shocked [pun intended] by Elle’s new power.

Suresh made the moronic decision to leave Molly with The Company. While Parkman and Nathan went off to find Parkman’s Dad.

Monica finally realized with the help of Micah that she can mimic pretty much anything she sees. Which leads us to the obvious question. Once Monica saves her family from the aftermath of Katrina, perhaps she’d consider moving to Hollywood, re-watch the first season of HEROES and start churning out new episodes.

Season 2 of HEROES has devolved into season 2 of LOST. All hype, too many new faces and no answers. It’s not even a lack of answers that has this TV Addict angry. It’s a complete lack of solid story-telling and excitement. It’s as if the writer’s completely forgot what made last season of HEROES so much fun.

If last night’s chapter illustrated anything, it’s that the writers are spinning their wheels until November sweeps. When fans will finally get the long awaited flashback episode where we learn exactly what happened to our HEROES in the aftermath of May’s lackluster season finale.

Which once again begs the obvious question — Why didn’t we start the season with that episode? The episode we waited all summer to see. Call me crazy, but I don’t see the advantage to frustrating fans for seven episodes, with the hopes that everything will make sense after episode eight. One great episode does not make up for seven bad ones.

Put it this way, you know the show is struggling when the most exciting moment in the show is a surprise appearance by almost forgotten Nikki/Jessica. Who was then quickly thrown back into a hospital bed. Proving yet again, the writer’s have no idea what they’re doing with the character. Or the show for that matter.

Agree/Disagree. Post away.

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