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By Special Guest Contributor Seth C.

A lot has been written about how lousy Heroes has been this season. I for one have been greatly disappointed, but I was always taught don’t criticize unless you offer a solution. So here is my solution.

Get back to the basics. Give our Heroes a goal that is easily recognizable. Think “Save the Cheerleader, Save the World” or “How do you stop an Exploding Man”. Right now everyone is out in their own private universe with no goal that is easy for the audience to understand. Suresh and HRG on one mission, Peter on his own, Nathan looking for a good barber now that he has shaved. Give them a purpose. Parkman seems to have a mission everyone can work on. What is the meaning of the picture, who is trying to kill everyone and why?

Sylar — Am I the only one that realizes that he is still alive. Do none of our Heroes wonder where his body has gone? Put Sylar back to the forefront and start answering some of the questions surrounding him. There are some great back-stories that should be told. How did he get to the middle of nowhere? How did he get to the highway? Why has he lost his powers? After he killed Eden he thought he had her powers why didn’t he? Sylar can be the common bond that unites our Heroes. We all love to hate villains, so lets have him in the forefront.

Claire/Supermanlite — We know that powers are passed down from the parents and that Matt and his Daddy have the same power. Who else can fly-Nathan a.k.a. Claire’s daddy, is he also Superman lite’s father? Do we have a Star Wars moment with a brother and sister making out? Easy to fix, get rid of Superman lite and let Claire be Claire have her out using her powers trying to help people. Lets not worry about the “Firm” finding her and let her do what she can. Other then growing back a toe all she has done is replay Superman Returns, which wasn’t that great (that is another article).

Hiro/Ando — The best Dynamic Duo since..Well you know. Bring them back together. Get Hiro out of the past and back to present day. This ancient Japanese time travel story line has added nothing to the story. If you intend on keeping Hiro in the past then get rid of Ando. We don’t need him reading letters we need him helping Hiro and if he can’t do that then get rid of him.

HRG — Does anyone really believe that Copy Kingdom is where he is working. He must have a lot of money saved up to live the lifestyle he does? What is out there in the Ukraine that he had to rush off with the Haitian? Lets have HRG do what he needs to do…Face the “Firm” head on, use his alliances and start something to get rid of them like he planned.

Suresh — Have him grow up and start doing…wait a minute what is he doing? As one of the few people without powers we need to make him useful. If he is with HRG then lets get to work, (as an aside does anyone else think his cellphone is bugged and the “Firm” knows exactly what is going on?) if not then have really start “curing” the Heroes. That could turn into a great storyline with our Heroes banding together to fight Suresh and what he is doing. Couldn’t you see Sylar and Peter working side by side to fight a common foe.

The Petrelli brothers — Tell us the back story after the explosion and maybe we will care that Peter is amnesic and Nathan is wallowing in self-pity. Have them both accept their fates and start…..Wait that is the whole problem with the show nobody has a purpose. The previous characters not mentioned seem to be on the right track, but if I have to see Parkman with his sideways glance I may explode. Lastly we have been introduced to a whole slew of new characters this year. This is what we should do with all these newbies.

The Wonder Twins — Kill them off, they have served no purpose except be annoying. Do they have a real power anyways?

Takezoe and everyone in Ancient times — Kill them off, the whole plot line is boring.

Monica — has great potential, put her to work, have Suresh recruit her and she can copy other peoples skills…wait a minute isn’t that what Peter’s powers are? The only thing to fix in her storyline is the preachiness of the whole Katrina incident.

So while it seems like a lot it really isn’t. A few minor changes and our Heroes can be mighty again.

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