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With our one day strike in support of the WGA finally behind us [Seriously, who’d have guessed that not blabbering on endlessly about television for a day would be so difficult!] this TV Addict can finally get a few things off his chest.

First on the list — HEROES. It’s not so much that I hated Monday’s episode. I simply watched the entire hour thinking, “If only they started the season off this way!” Just imagine. How much more exciting would “Generations” have been if we knew that Adam and Peter were on the run from The Company. That the ‘Wonder Twin’s’ crime was essentially a wedding massacre and that Niki suddenly found herself with a lot more than just Jessica to contend with.

While it comes as no surprise —considering the brilliance of season one — this TV Addict is officially proclaiming DEXTER as this fall’s Must Watch Show. And not just Must Watch. It’s Must Watch with no interruptions. No phone, internet or food. Simply me, mesmerized and on the edge of my seat as Lundy and Co. creep closer and closer to realizing that the Bay Harbour Butcher is one of their own. Gulp!

Is anyone else struggling to figure out where Robin fits in when it comes to this season of HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER? While the show’s done a marvelous job of highlighting the ups and downs of Marshall and Lilly’s post-nuptial life, Ted’s quest for coupledom and Barney being well, Barney. Robin seems to have gotten lost in the shuffle. Here’s hoping that post-strike, MOTHER masterminds Carter Bays and Craig Thomas give the deserving Cobie Smulders a far more substantial role to play in the show. A fellow Canadian and former Pop Star deserves a far better fate then TV sidekick.

And finally. I have a feeling NIP/TUCK’s Julian McMahon left his acting skills in Miami when McNamara/Troy moved to LA. Don’t get me wrong, I’m absolutely loving NIP/TUCK: 90210 edition, but simply can’t believe how poor a job McMahon is doing of hiding his Australian accent. Hey McMahon — Get’cha Head in the Game!

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