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The TV Addict Week in Rewind

Funniest 30 Minutes of the Week: 30 ROCK
If you are [for some inexplicable reason] still somewhat skeptical that writers are worth the money — look no further than this week’s 30 ROCK. Tina Fey is the new Jerry Seinfeld. And assuming Ben Silverman plays his cards right — the saviour of NBC.

Life Lesson #1 of the Week: DEXTER
Thanks to DEXTER, fans everywhere now know the number one rule when covering up a crime. Don’t leave the evidence in your apartment.

Life Lesson #2 of the Week: FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS
The #2 rule: Don’t walk into a police station and confess to a crime nobody knew you committed. Landry you’re killing us! Sorry, bad choice of words. But seriously. Things are not looking good for you.

Big Disappointment of the Week: NEGOTIATIONS
The fact that the WGA and the AMPTP didn’t even come close to reaching an agreement.

Bigger Disappointment of the Week: CARSON DALY CROSSES THE LINE
To protest Daly crossing the picket line, this TV Addict is officially on strike from watching LAST CALL WITH CARSON DALY. Which would undoubtedly have a larger impact assuming we ever watched the show to begin with.

Biggest Disappointment of the Week: HOUSE’S CUTTHROAT BITCH
Cutthroat Bitch we hardly new ya. And what we did know, we’ll miss. We can only hope you somehow contract a mysterious disease that ensures you find your way back to the hospital — and soon.

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